Just Wanna Have Fun
I was super pumped to ride with Toler's new bit today (it came yesterday afternoon while we were at the stable, just as I knew it would). Sadly, plans were totally derailed.
He must have recieved a glancing blow to his left shoulder while out with his chums, because he had a bit of swelling just in front of his shoulder. It didn't seem to bother him at all and wasn't very warm to the touch, which was good at least. Then his right foreleg was hot and swollen (not terribly) with a tiny nick on the inside of his cannon. I guess they had a bit too much fun out there. It was a bit odd because in the past few years, Toler really doesn't involve himself in the fights. He's alpha and wards off challenges, but most of the horses know better than to test him. Especially since he can easily kick them when he's out of their reach. But, maybe the mares were in heat or something and they got all riled up.
I tricked him into eating some tablets of bute from my hand (with butterscotch treats). He didn't realize my cunning until he was almost done chewing the last one. I could see "the wheels turning" as he was eating them, fully aware that his treat nibblets didn't taste like they ought to. He pouted at me after trying to slobber the last bits out of his mouth. Poor pups. (Yes, I frequently call my horse "pups" or "puppy" or "pup-dogger," and yes, I do realize that he is in fact not a canine. But, I also call him my moose, so you'll just have to get over it.)
I put liniment on to ease the ouch, and wrapped his leg with a standing wrap for the night, then put a pair of support boots on his stall to be put on when he goes out tomorrow. He was still moving fine, so I fully expect him to be back in riding form for a workout Friday with the new bit. =)
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