Massage Day
I was feeling particularly unmotivated today. It was also rather gloomy outside--dark with clouds and lots of fog, though since I LOVE storms and rain, that had nothing to do with my mood, but anyway... So, I decided to make today "massage day," something I do not nearly often enough (in Toler's opinion) but that happens usually once a month.
I spent an extra while grooming Toler, as he's still shedding a little bit. Today was extra light; I didn't even need the "Slick Brick" shedding pumice stone (miracle tool!), but I used it anyway because it makes him so soft. =) His coat is really starting to shine. A little over a month ago I started using Premiere Equine's Rosewater conditioner, a *miracle* product my barn discovered last year and I have finally caught up with. That stuff is amazing. If I use one day, I won't have to condition his mane or tail (or coat, for that matter) for up to three days and I'll still be able to slide a comb through it. They say it deepens their coat color (two or three shades) but I haven't quite noticed that. Then again, he's still shedding out and I've only been using it for about a month. His coat looks 50% shinier (which is amazing as Toler has always been a particularly shiny-coated horse), and his mane/tail is definitely stronger and healthier. Plus, it makes him smell *great.* Hee hee.
I also braided his mane in a running braid; I've been practicing as often as possible, mostly because I need to develop the hand strength. I have arthritis and tendinitis, which while currently under control, definitely makes my hands weaker. By the time I get halfway down Toler's rather long neck, my hands are throbbing and I can hardly grip his mane. Which makes it hard to explain why (so far) the bottom half of his mane always looks better than the top half...
I do like massaging better when Toler's mane isn't in the way. Contrary to popular tradition, I do NOT have Toler's mane pulled to four inches. Nor do I ever intend to pull it again, even if I someday show dressage at 4th level or above. Toler has a particularly sensitive mane and totally freaks out when I go to pull it (once he tried to squish me). His reaction is so bad that I really just can't bear to be the cause of it. Plus, I think he looks better with a longer mane, and I also think other braid types can look just as good (and just as elegant/professional) as button braids. And, really, if some judge doesn't place us where we deserve to be placed simply because of the braid in his mane, then they are unworthy of an opinion. That's just stupid. It's not like I'm not going to braid him at all or go into the ring with stains on his rump and belly.
I do have a rather unique style of massage. Frankly it's a bit hard to explain. I use trigger point massage on myself, especially during tendinitis flares. I also have to curb usual massage techniques simply because I do have tendinitis/arthritis. I'm simply incapable of using my hands like that for extended periods. Considering that Toler is an 18.1 hand Han/TB, he has a LOT of surface area. ;)
My style is actually a merging of: 1) Trigger point massage, 2) Equine (sports) massage, 3) Equine acupressure, 4) JointYoga (a unique system developed by Toler's chiropractor), 5) EFT, and 6) Equine chiropractics (I use a few hand-manipulated techniques shown to me by Toler's chiropractor). Plus a giant measure of energy-working, intuition, and guidance by Toler. He LOVES it. I make no claims to be above amateur level, and I wouldn't work on anyone else's horse. By the end, I'm always exhausted and Toler looks blissful.
I did happen to notice a cluster of four little bumps on his back that I'm taking to be bug bites (he had a similar one on his belly a few days ago). There wasn't any heat to them and he wasn't sensitive to them, but they are right where the edge of my saddle's kidney panel would go, so I'll have to keep an eye on him. The spot on his withers is finally starting to heal up (his turtle neck rubbed him raw at the base of the withers at the end of the winter), which made me happy. There's no sign of hair growth yet, though. I'm afraid it'll grow in white. =( Rosewater to the rescue!
Tomorrow Toler gets the day off, which will be a nice feel-good day for him after the massage. It may not be a deep-tissue treatment, but he sure does get that blissful state of total relaxation for a day or two after the work.
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