Manly Braids...

...or so I tell Toler. ;)

The forelock braid, which needs a bit of work for evenness, and it was a bit crooked though you can't really tell from this angle.

I had already ridden, so some pieces were getting a little loose. But that's still pretty good considering I didn't use QuicBraid or anything. =)

Look at that coat! *beams* All thanks to rosewater. The only thing I don't like about braiding this way (under under) is it's harder to grab mane in consistently-sized chunks. I kept grabbing a piece and snagging extra when braiding it in. Granted, it's hard to tell unless you're looking at this angle, but because Toler is tall, you can't see his mane from this angle unless you're on him. (Or he's eating.) Mwahahaa.

And one shot to accentuate the sloppy. ;) And, yes, I take too many photos.

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TolHorse Studios

TolHorse Studios
Emma's photoblog, featuring art and photography

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"Make shit up." -Michael Allen Parker. Following that advice, I make a lot of shit up. I suppose that's why I write fiction. Magic realism and fantasy, to be exact, in both short fiction and novel-length forms. I also do a bit of poetry, compose a little, take lots of photos, and ride/train/show my horse. When I'm not doing any of that I'm probably thinking up a lot of crazy things, whether in truth or in jest.

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