When the moose is happy
Had an excellent ride yesterday. Started out in the outdoor arena, and Toler drew the attention of a middle-aged couple whose daughter used to take lessons at the barn (just before I did, I think), and they hadn't stopped by in a long time. Anyway, they thought Toler was amazing and rubbed his face for several minutes. I swear, they could have told him he won a year's supply of grain-coated carrots, and he wouldn't have been happier. He knows when he's being fawned over, and he loves it.
The 2'3" jumps are officially "too small" for Toler's proper consideration. We went around the jumps set up outside, and he just barely jumped them. By which I mean his front end would go over, touch ground on the other side, and he'd pop his back end over. It's his way of going, "jump? What jump?" I'd really prefer to see him riding the lines perfectly, on the bit, and rounding over everything as an indication of Too Easy. That would be too straightforward for Toler, however. He has been jumping 2'9" in the arena (free lunging) beautifully though, so I'll start to set up some challenging 2'3" lines and see if that peaks his interest before we move up in height. There are quite a few jumping exercises I just haven't been able to do yet, and now would be the time. =)
We followed up the "oh-so boring" jumping with a trail ride. Toler was perfect. He didn't have any trouble with his feet, and not because he was focusing on them a lot, but because he actually just went. If that makes sense. We even did some trotting down hills with perfect balance, he cantered well up hills, negotiated the steep bad-footing downhill sections without making me feel unsettled, and still got to neigh at his ladies. (Who run along the paddock fence when we ride by, making Toler feel like a god.) We did have one minor stumble, but it was because there was a giant chunk of rock hidden in tall grass that neither of us saw, on a segment of trail that was already steep and usually not rock-laden. Toler recovered perfectly, and I didn't even get the situational panic of falling. Progress! Soon we'll be cantering downhill like we used to. =)
Toler's reward was drinking from the hose as I was washing him off, and eating long grass as he dried off. (He saw that grass and practically dragged me to it.)
I think we'll be doing jumping or free-jumping inside today. It's rainy out, and normally like I like to do dressage on rainy days because we zone together really well, but I'm rather excited about jumping exercises right now. We'll see.
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