Toss and Turn
I was out of town for a week, so the moose got the week off. Granted, my mother went out and brushed him and fed him every day, which made him happy I'm sure. She did try to lunge him as well, but let's just say that Toler never lets her lunge him. He thinks it's a game with her, so he'll just pivot in a circle and make her run around him. It's really quite funny to watch.
I got back in town Friday and went out to lunge him proper, and gave mom a little lesson with it. She does know how, she's just a little too timid to get aggressive with him and tell him "No." rather than "" and it usually only works out when I'm there and Toler knows he'll actually get into trouble if he tries his tricks.
Saturday was a nice light ride. We worked on transitions in the quite wet (but not puddle-strewn, for once) outdoor arena. He was full of energy. I do think he's got a little more cover over his ribs from the new feed, but it's probably too soon to tell. Yesterday I helped out with the Hometown Days Parade, which my trainer took six horses to. It was pretty fun, though we did get poured on by the end. I always think Toler would make an excellent parade horse--he loves to prance, for instance--but riding on concrete makes me nervous. Toler would be the horse to slip and land on his knees, too. Um, haha...
I'm thinking today will be a jumping day. Probably.
Also, two weeks ago I did a photoshoot with Toler. I'm still going through images (when it comes to Toler, I take obscene amounts of photos) plus now i have a ton of images to go through from last week as well. Anyway, go look at my new favorite photo, "Son of Icarus," and keep your eye on Soulstrings for more photos from that shoot. =)
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