What a Night
I was just typing up the last post (my rant on bits) at about 10pm, when I got The Call.
The call asking if I can come out and walk Toler around, because he decided it was a good idea to bolt down the (granted) rich fresh hay they all got tonight. He was among five horses to do so and get cramped up. My trainer/barn manager/etc gave them all banamine shots and started walking them around (with help).
None of them got colic, but it was close. They all got banamine shots, which did a world of good. But it still meant that a few of us were out walking and trotting them around for two and a half hours. Toler had the mild end of it, I think. At least by the time I got there (which wasn't too much later than when everything started), he never showed any interest in rolling, nor did he bite his sides. But he was majorly bloated and obviously not feeling too great.
They all calmed down fine, though, and while he didn't poop, Toler did pass a lot of gas and the bloating subsided completely, as did the tension in his flanks and abnormal gut noise. By the end he was back in his stall getting a drink (and trying to dribble water all over my head) and nibbling quietly. I stuck around while the other horses got fed (Toler got a few oats to help things along and quiet him down). By the time I got back home it was nearly 1 am, so I'd been at the barn slightly under three hours.
Of course, now I'm pretty awake. Just have to wind myself down. I'm both a night and morning person, so if things start to pick up, I'm all too ready to switch gears and just stay up, perfectly alert. That did wonders for long nights writing papers or studying during college, but in this sort of situation it kind of bites. I'll type up my little discussion about today's ride tomorrow (er--technically yesterday's ride later today, haha). Time to go to bed...or at least read for a while.
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