Bit of a Rant

Okay, I know I've (semi) ranted about this before on this blog. And I'm sure this won't be the last time.


I am NOT the only person in the world (who isn't sponsored by national teams and tack companies, etc) who rides a large horse in dressage. So. WHY can't I find 6" bits that AREN'T priced for millionaires? I have a hard enough time finding bits I can ride with for jumping, but for whataver reason, 6" dressage bits just barely exist. I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT.

I want this weymouth:I couldn't really care less about the alloys or high quality right now. I just want a 6" version of this 16mm, angled low-port (hardly a port, this is like a slightly warped mullen mouth), shorter 4"-shanked weymouth. The problem? One, it doesn't even come in a 6" (that I can find), and, two, it costs 249 freaking dollars.

Oh, and I want this bradoon:

Again, I wouldn't be too particular about the alloy. But I'd really need a KK-styled 14mm three-link, preferably with 2" loose rings. But no, not even this one is actually affordable. (Better than the weymouth, but still listed at $115.) I should probably tip my hat just for the fact that it comes in a 6 and 1/8" size. I have an 18mm KK like this, but I think it would be way too thick to work with a weymouth, not to mention the rings are humongous.

I checked out the wondrous (which I love and have ordered from several times in the past), but they only had one weymouth and bradoon option, and I didn't like either. Toler really needs a three-link, and he doesn't like actual ports from what I can tell. He works great in his mullen mouth and pretty well in his larger KK, so that's where I'll head for weymouth and bradoon.

But, really. It should not be this hard to find affordable yet decent bits. Evidently, I should have gone into metalworking and welding.

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Emma's photoblog, featuring art and photography

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"Make shit up." -Michael Allen Parker. Following that advice, I make a lot of shit up. I suppose that's why I write fiction. Magic realism and fantasy, to be exact, in both short fiction and novel-length forms. I also do a bit of poetry, compose a little, take lots of photos, and ride/train/show my horse. When I'm not doing any of that I'm probably thinking up a lot of crazy things, whether in truth or in jest.

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