
I'll have to do some catch-up posts. It came to my attention I didn't have much on here by way of Toler's antics. He is quite the goober, so there are plenty of tales!

Lately, I've only been using one cross-tie in the aisle, if I use one at all. He stands by himself and doesn't get into much trouble (though that depends on your definition), so if I'm the only one there I don't mind letting him chill by himself as I groom or tack/untack him. Usually I position him by the tack asile so I'm right there. Plus, that means there's just so much to explore. He thinks it is particularly adventurous to take a step into the tack aisle, where he can reach my tack box. He has already discovered the exact location of the container of treats in the box. He's very keen on making sure I have it closed properly. Haha, yeah right. He mouths at the lid and you can just tell by his concentrated "seriouz hoers" expression that he's figuring out how best to open it without my catching on.

Being slightly in the tack aisle, he has also discovered a favorite sleeping spot of Shepard, one of the barn cats. Toler LOVES cats. And dogs, but cats more because they don't try to lick his nose. I usually hold a willing feline up for him to nuzzle at, which he thinks is the best thing in the world. He's even had nuzzling sessions with them in the arena when they perch on the mounting block, namely the cats rolling onto their backs and him nuzzling at their belly while they purr. Well, the other day he noticed Shepard sleeping at the newly discovered tack-aisle location. He sniffed very delicately at the air near the sleeping cat, then his eyes got really wide. He knew Shepard was sleeping, and was torn between not wanting to wake the cat up and wanting to nuzzle it. (Could you imagine being woken up by a giant nose breathing on you? LOL) He was so torn his lips started to twitch. At which point he looked from me to the cat several times and tilted his head. "...Mommy?" I moved around him into the tack aisle, effectively waking Shepard. Toler's nose was by him in an instant, snuffling his head and belly. After a moment, Shepard stretched a paw out onto the top of Toler's nose and started kneading. Toler's expression was priceless--a perfect mix of surprise and joyous contentment. It was adorable.

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Emma's photoblog, featuring art and photography

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"Make shit up." -Michael Allen Parker. Following that advice, I make a lot of shit up. I suppose that's why I write fiction. Magic realism and fantasy, to be exact, in both short fiction and novel-length forms. I also do a bit of poetry, compose a little, take lots of photos, and ride/train/show my horse. When I'm not doing any of that I'm probably thinking up a lot of crazy things, whether in truth or in jest.

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